Davidb's Books Page #10
Here's the list of books submitted by davidb — There are currently 607 books total — keep up the great work!
The Cat and the Old Rat"The Cat and the Old Rat" by Aesop is a fable about an old, wise rat and a cunning cat. It centers around the themes of wisdom, cunningness and the value of experience. The cat... | 32 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Lark and Her Young OnesThe Lark and Her Young Ones is a fable by Aesop that imparts a lesson about wisdom and foresight. In the story, a lark had built her nest in a field of grain and kept it hidden... | 62 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Bees and Wasps, and the Hornet"The Bees and Wasps, and the Hornet" is not a book but one of Aesop's Fables that tells the story of a time when the bees and wasps lost their wits and decided to go to the hornet... | 18 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Hare and the Tortoise"The Hare and the Tortoise" is a classic fable by Aesop that centers on a race between the fleetfooted hare and the slow yet steady tortoise. Overconfident in his speed, the hare... | 55 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Dog and His Reflection"The Dog and His Reflection" is an Aesop's fable about a dog who finds a bone and as he crosses a stream, he sees his reflection in the water. Believing the reflection to be... | 22 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Shepherd and the LionThe Shepherd and the Lion is a fable by Aesop that conveys the message of not trusting flattering words or appearances easily. The story revolves around a shepherd who saves a... | 621 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Animals and the Plague"The Animals and the Plague" by Aesop is a fable that presents a moral lesson through the story of how animals deal with a plague. As the animals, except the lion, get struck by... | 61 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Stag, the Sheep, and the WolfThe Stag, The Sheep, and The Wolf is a classic Aesop fable that teaches readers about cunning and deception. In the story, a stag seeks safety from a hunting party by hiding in a... | 30 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Eagle and the Kite"The Eagle and the Kite" is a classic fable by Aesop that teaches a lesson about the dangers of unwise partnerships and false security. The story revolves around a kite... | 50 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Flies and the HoneyIn The Flies and the Honey, Aesop presents a tale about a jar of honey that attracts many flies. However, they greedily plunge in so deep that they become stuck and drown in the... | 23 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Mother and the Wolf"The Mother and the Wolf" is a fable from Aesop's collection that speaks of a hungry wolf coming across a mother goat and her kids. In a bid to devour them, the wolf begins to... | 30 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Fox and the Monkey"The Fox and the Monkey" is a classic comedic fable from renowned author Aesop. The story centers on a fox and a monkey, each vying for the unofficial title of 'King of the... | 136 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Porcupine and the Snakes"The Porcupine and the Snakes" is a classic fable by Aesop conveying the message of making wise decisions. In this story, a Porcupine, seeking shelter, moves into a... | 75 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
Two Travelers and a BearTwo Travelers and a Bear is a classic Aesop's fable that teaches the important life lesson about fake friends and the importance of knowing the nature of the person you are... | 40 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Fox and the PheasantsThe Fox and the Pheasants is a fable by Aesop that illustrates the consequences of greed and lack of satisfaction. It tells the story of a fox that discovers a group of pheasants,... | 24 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Old Lion"The Old Lion" is a classic Aesop fable that emphasizes moral values and life lessons. It tells the story of an old, weaker lion, whose age and decreasing strength stop... | 64 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Boy and the NettleThe Boy and the Nettle is one of Aesop's classic fables wherein a young boy attempts to pluck a nettle plant but is stung by it. He then complains to his mother, who tells... | 54 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Cat and the Fox"The Cat and the Fox" by Aesop is a short fable in which a cat and a fox debate who has the greater amount and variety of clever tricks and strategies. The fox boasts of having a... | 30 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Rose and the ButterflyThe Rose and the Butterfly is a parable by Aesop about a butterfly falling in love with a beautiful rose. However, when the rose warns the butterfly of its thorns, the butterfly... | 17 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Mischievous Dog"The Mischievous Dog" by Aesop is a moralistic fable that narrates the story of a dog who enjoys creating chaos and playing pranks on people, eventually leading to serious... | 41 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Fox Without a Tail"The Fox Without a Tail" by Aesop is a timeless fable that imparts a valuable life lesson. The story follows a clever fox who loses his tail in a trap. Embarrassed by his loss, he... | 253 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Quack ToadThe Quack Toad is a fable by Aesop that tells the story of a toad who falsely claims to have healing powers. The toad fools many animals into believing him, all while delivering... | 158 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Bat and the WeaselsThe Bat and the Weasels is a fable by Aesop that teaches a lesson about the benefits of resourcefulness and adaptability. In the story, a bat falls into the nest of weasels who... | 30 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Fox and the HedgehogThe Fox and the Hedgehog is a short fable by Aesop that features a fox, who is known for his cunning, and a hedgehog, known for his simplicity. The fox uses various strategies to... | 52 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Wolf and the House Dog"The Wolf and the House Dog" is a fable from the collection of Aesop's tales. It tells the story of a starving wolf who, after encountering a well-fed house dog, desires the same... | 43 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Miser"The Miser" is a short fable by Aesop revolving around the theme of greed and disillusionment. The story features a man who buries his gold in a hidden hole. Every week he visits... | 28 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Goatherd and the GoatThe Goatherd and the Goat is a fable by Aesop about a goatherd who gets frustrated with one particular goat that, in his opinion, is not contributing enough milk compared to the... | 24 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Milkmaid and Her PailThe Milkmaid and Her Pail is a fable by Aesop that tells the story of a milkmaid who daydreams about the wealth and luxuries she can buy by selling the milk from her pail, only to... | 43 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Ass and the Lap DogThe Ass and the Lap Dog is a fable by Aesop concerning a farm ass observing the affectionate relationship between its master and the master's lap dog. Inspired by the dog's... | 66 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Man and the LionThe Man and the Lion is a short fable story by Aesop. It revolves around a man and a lion who argue over who is the superior among all the animals. They come across first a statue... | 52 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Old Lion and the Fox"The Old Lion and the Fox" is a short fable by the renowned storyteller, Aesop. This story features an old, ailing lion who is trying to trick other animals into entering his den... | 40 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Eagle and the BeetleThe Eagle and the Beetle is a tale from Aesop's Fables that exemplifies humility and the potential power of the weak against the strong. It tells the story of a beetle who seeks... | 25 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |